website as a showcase for my professional activities
Right from the start of my career track I needed a place where I could post my contacts, background, services, portfolio, and other information. I was sure though that I needed a single point of entry for all this information that I could flexibly manage on my own, while keeping my links up to date for a long time. As regards my personal website, it has served effectively as a source of new customers, my main point of contact, and a showcase for my professional activities. So the personal website works great for me.
In my opinion, a personal website have several roles:
✦ Cyber business card
You can use QR code with a link to my website instead of a business card. If your contact details change, you will not have to print new business cards and make updates on all the resources, losing people in the process.
✦ Always up-to-date resume
Some people use a common pdf/word file, or LinkedIn, or profiles on,,, etc., and social media. Still others prefer to have their own website. In this way you are free to manage it the way you want by adding, changing or removing information or adding interactive content at any time. Of course, this may not be suitable for all occupations, but for some, such as IT professionals, it is the best solution.
✦ Flexible portfolio
If you have achievements to share, a personal website is the best way to do it. With modern technology, you can easily post photos, videos and user scenarios, as well as your own projects and achievements. These could be sketches and projects for designers, tracks for musicians, code, stack or project descriptions for programmers, video lectures for professors, cases for lawyers and so on.