May 2, 7:30 PM (GMT+3)
8 PM (GMT+3:30)
Photonics & Quantum Materials
Master's Program Webinar
for students from Iran

The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology based in Moscow, Russia, invites all interested students of Iran to apply to its Photonics and Quantum Materials Master's program.
about the program
full tuition waiver
monthly stipend starting from 40,000 Russian Rubles and ranging up to 55,000 Russian Rubles
travel & accomodation support
medical and
travel insurance
industry immersion & academic mobility programs
The 2-year Photonics and Quantum Materials MSc program is centered around a broad curriculum of courses in modern aspects of photonics, providing both foundational knowledge in the field and specific understanding of key areas of modern photonics. Through a continuous program of experimental 'hands-on' activities, all students are provided with the opportunity to carry on a research project within one of Skoltech's state-of-the-art laboratories and research groups. Students can choose between research-oriented (involving research projects in fundamental and applied photonics) and industry-oriented (carrying out an applied project with industrial partners) tracks, tuning their experience to their specific skills and desired outcome.

Students of the program are provided with intensive English courses, which gives them the capacity to smoothly enter the international academic and professional world after graduation. Access to entrepreneurship and innovation activities is provided to all students, along with supporting schemes for student-led startups (seed funding, mentoring from experts in the field, help in starting a company). A 2-month long industrial immersion period also offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and research of an industrial partner.

Graduates of the program pursue careers in various spheres of science, business and technology: continue with a PhD, start a job as an engineer in a tech company or launch/join a startup.

May 2, 7:30 PM (Moscow time)
8:00 (Tehran time)
7.30 PM
(8 PM GMT+3:30)
7.45 PM
(8:30 PM GMT+3:30)
Program presentation by Dr. Mael Brossard, Program Coordinator, Deputy Director of the Hybrid Photonics Labs
Q&A session
8.30 PM
(9 PM GMT+3:30)
what our students say
about Skoltech
Created in 2011 as the heart of the new "Russian Silicon Valley" outside Moscow, Skoltech is a graduate research-intensive university gathering the brightest minds from around the world to advance the most promising directions of science and technology. Skoltech hosts some of the most advanced lines of Photonics research in Russia and Europe, with broad activities covering many research topics. As a result, Skoltech has in ten years established itself as a leader on the global photonics landscape, as shown by its ranking on the 35th place on the world Young Universities Nature Index in the Physical Science category and by regular publications in the best journals in the field.