hacklab –
series of hackathons by leading Russian and world companies for Skoltech students
& Innovation Course
Series of 40-hours online innovation sprints on weekends
Real-life tasks at intersection of business and technology
No pre-requisites + Challenging tasks + Unlimited fun
(1st and 2nd year from all MSc programs)
teams of 5 students, self-selected, diversified (different programs; different countries, male + female; 1st + 2nd year; etc.)
4 weekends with different 40-hours online challenges presented by top companies. From Friday 4pm to Sunday 11am.
hackathons supported by 7 top companies (every team has to participate in at least 4 events to pass)

This is just as cool as it sounds, but to summarize reasons to take this course:
gain experience in innovation sprints and problem solving under resource and time constraints
hack real-life problems assigned by top Russian and international companies
understand why «perfect is the enemy of good»
have fun and get in touch with new colleagues
master teamwork
in new reality
valuable awards
for the winners
>600K RUB
total prize fund
for winners of every hackathon
+ for TOP-3 ranked teams
by the end of the course

credits for
Entrepreneurship & Innovation to those who successfully pass 4 hackathons
and complete all homeworks
cash prize for winners of each hackathon
cash prize for TOP-3 teams in general rank after all 4 challenges
valuable gifts from Skoltech and partners to TOP-3 teams of every hackathon
valuable gifts in special nominations for creativity, teamwork, etc.
Course instructor: Zeljko Tekic, passionate teacher, researcher and startup mentor
Course instructor: Zeljko Tekic, passionate teacher, researcher and startup mentor
You can apply through Sonis. Follow Edu Office mails and info about registration openings and deadlines.
What if I am on the waiting list?
Be patient, we will try to resolve it.
How to apply?
Individually, but you will work in a team (think about your team in advance).
I can't code, may I still apply?
Yes. The tasks will have business and tech side, so they are not limited only to coding. Form balanced team. The teams should be composed of programmers + non-programmers.
How are the hackathon results assessed?
By jury composed of industry sponsor representatives and course instructor.
Can we go to campus and hack there?
Unfortunately, for a big class it's not possible.