Triple Point project was originally started as part of the ISP course, then together with other Master and PhD students we came up with a project name, first rules, and drafts of the logo.
The creation of the localization of the MIT100K student startup competition was part of the Next Generation Program between Skoltech and MIT. So the student team had mentors from both the faculty and the team of organizers of the original contest. In our version, we kept the main feature of the program format, which is that Skoltech Triple Point is created by students for students. Such a format allowed us to more precisely create rules and activities for young innovators. As opposed to how the administration may have less understanding of student's problems in creating startups
We launched a pilot contest in the fall of 2021, with no connection to the themes of technological projects. However, after that the project was frozen for some time, until we found a new general partner for the program in the person of Energytechnohab Petersburg. As I was finishing my master's degree, I was offered to continue the project in the direction of energy and the creation of new theme tracks already as an employee of the Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Skoltech. Now my co-founder Andrey Chemikhin and I are coordinators of this program, but the main part of the team continues to consist of Master and PhD students from Skoltech.